For true chocolate lovers who wish to expand upon their current cacao knowledge.
Having spent time at one of the world's best cacao growers this past spring, as well as having personally lived in cacao growing regions - my knowledge is both drawn form a place of personal experience/intrigue as well as my professional background as a fine dining pastry chef in numerous establishments world-wide where chocolate was always the finest quality, sourced consciously for a variety of reasons, mostly if not always: it's savoury attributes which create an exceptional eating experience unlike any other.
Experiences are structured in the way of bookable chocolate tastings and in-person education around sensory qualities, conscious sourcing, understanding production.
Held at our Canmore location, you will experience a multitude of flavours as well as take away a new wealth of knowledge and personal experience.
Focus is placed on developing understanding behind the creation of chocolate flavours, growth of cacao, regions of cacao growing and how these affect flavour as well as what affects chocolate quality, the current ethics, sustainability, history of chocolate, fermentation of cacao.